Hi, I’m Amanda and I'm a wife and homeschooling mother of 3 boys. My inspiration for this book came from overcoming my own personal health challenge with God’s help. Before I had children, I paid little attention to what I ate... if it tasted good then it was good in my mind. After the birth of my first son, though, I was intent on nourishing him to the best of my ability. And shortly after that resolution, I was made painfully aware that I needed to do the same for myself. I suddenly experienced a depression and other health problems that I just couldn’t shake. What was odd about it was that I was thankful to God for everything and everybody in my life at that time. But one day it was like a switch got shut off in my brain and I couldn’t see out of a dark place or understand why I was so despairing. Coming from a family with three generations of women that suffered from depression, I was encouraged to take an anti-depressant drug. However, since God had healed me miraculously of other ailments I had encountered before, I went to Him in prayer again asking for the same. The healing was not immediate like it had been previously. Instead, he opened my understanding to see how I had unknowingly weakened my body through my diet and then began to bring me the information I needed to feed myself properly for my condition. After making some dietary changes, the depression lifted in a little less than a month without the use of drugs. Some would say that it was the diet that healed me, but I know it was God that showed me what to do and so He gets the credit. Just like good food feeds the body, God’s Word feeds our soul. I pray that what I learned from it will help you as much as it did me in finding truths that help you live a healthier, more fullfilling life.
Schedule Amanda for 1 hour presentation at your event, church, or conference
Schedule Amanda for your conference workshop. Four (4) two-hour sessions